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Form to document

Data gridder allows you to design forms, collect data and retrieve your data as a table placed in any document of your choice

Find a form

Want to register for a form?, enter the form code and we'll load it right up for you

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fetching form..

What are forms?

Forms are a representation of the data your administrator would like you to provide, after retrieving a form using its form code, fill the form to complete your registration. Please note that the data you provide will be completely visible to the form author

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I'm impressed by how DataGridder effortlessly transforms form data into polished documents, saving me valuable time and effort.

Kyrian Onuh


Data gridder

Sit back and lets do the heavy Typing for you


Create a new form

A form is a design of the data you would want to collect from your audience, select the new form option in your dashboard to create a new form.


Collect data

After creating your form, distribute the form code or form link to your audience. The form code is used in the "Find a Form" section of this page, while the form link allows direct access to the form by pasting it into any preferred browser.


View data

Once users have registered for your form, you can view the data in your form through the "My Forms" option on your dashboard. Please note that this is only a preview of your data and does not reflect the actual appearance of your document.


Retrieve data

To retrieve your form in document format, simply click the download button. You have the option to choose a custom name for the downloaded document. Once you click download, the file will begin downloading automatically.


Get in touch

We are open to receiving any suggestions that could contribute to enhancing our website for your better experience. Your feedback is valuable to us

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Dear user, For a better user experience and community security, we require that you login or sign up before accessing a form